Manic Light | people, places, stories

04 aprilie, 2010

Sri Lanka - free, but not free

For 26 years, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a separatist militant organization fought to create an independent state named Tamil Eelam in the North and East of the Sri Lanka island. Both the Sri Lankan government and LTTE have been accused of various human rights violations.
On May 2009, the President of Sri Lanka officially claimed an end to the insurgency and the defeat of the LTTE, following the death of Velupillai Prabhakaran (the founder and leader of LTTE) and much of the LTTE's other senior leadership.
Rajapksa’s election victory (26.01.2010) seems unlikely to move Sri Lanka in the direction of a sustainable peace. Despite vague promises about the need for reconciliation, Rajapaksa’s post-war policies have deepened rather than resolved the grievances that generated and sustained LTTE militancy. While the LTTE’s defeat and the end of its control over Tamil political life are historic and welcome changes, the victory over Tamil militancy will remain fragile unless Sinhalese-dominated political parties make strong moves towards a more inclusive and democratic state.

2 comentarii:

  1. Deocamdata nu, Imperatore!
    Aici, in Cipru, traiesc peste 45 de mii de sri lankani (sper ca am scris bine :D)! Se aduna in parcuri, in fiecare duminica (singura lor zi libera)si mereu sarbatoresc cate ceva.
    Din pacate, situatia lor nu s-a schimbat nici aici.
    Isi doresc foarte mult o ambasada si un om care sa le rezolve toate problemele. Actualul consul este acuzat de coruptie, luare de mita, ajutarea membrilor LTTE sa patrunda in Europa folosind pasapoarte false,si multe altele!

    Trist, dar nimeni nu poate face nimic pentru ei.


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